Monday, January 23, 2012


Hi all,

I just wanted to explain my temporary disappearance. I am simply swamped with so many things that don't want to rush thru my postings. You see, I take my blog seriously :) I really care what I write about and when and how I do it. I can say with utmost certainty that each of my posts is straight from my heart. Even though once I sit down and write, it simply flows, I do still like to devote special time and space for this. I need to feel that it's something special.
So lately, I've been limited on that special time and space. And due to stressful personal events and a crunch time at work, in my spare time I've been doing yoga instead. That way I am able to stay collected and focused during tough times. By the way, I really underestimated the power of yoga. and very thankful that my life pushed me to try it. I simply fell in love. My body has never been so alive and attuned to my whole being. I feel light and enlightened. Sometimes I feel that I am not even walking but floating in the air. It's that good. Please try it if you have that opportunity. I go to Reebok sports club that has daily yoga classes to meet anyone's needs. I'm convinced it's even more powerful to do it in a classroom with people than alone. that way it's collective energy that is lifting you up and takes you higher.

Just take my word for it, and give it a try. You won't be disappointed.

I promise to be back very soon with my love stories and inspirations.


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